Having dynamically designed our dictate distribution model using a predetermined scheme, which is adapted (regardless of company size) according to your needs, we ensure that ProDictate workflows are more transparent and efficient. Supervisors will always provide a holistic overview and will intervene in the distribution process if necessary. Experience has shown that uniform utilisation of the software leads to productivity increases of up to 20%.
ProDictate’s modular design is a customisable solution offering very simple implementation: Internet Explorer can be used across platforms and there is no need to install any additional applications or drivers. When you launch the software, the USB foot switch driver and voice recorder control options also start automatically, allowing you to begin without delay.
ProDictate features:
- ‘Active Directory’ user administration
- Built-in voice recognition and text processing
- Thin client and USB device support
- Citrix XenApp compatibility
- Dictation and writing support for Citrix or Windows Terminal Sessions
- No additional software or driver installation requirements
- Internet Explorer as the user interface
- Low operating and maintenance costs
- Simple and efficient analysis thanks to the Reporting Tool
- Compatible Operating Systems Windows 10, Windows Server 2012, 2016