Mobile dictation has never been so easy. ProDictate Mobile, our mobile dictation solution, transforms smartphones (BlackBerries, iPhones or Androids) into full voice recorders. Dictations can now be recorded, edited, and transferred to central servers while users are on the move. Connection to existing dictations servers is easily achieved across platforms.
With ProDictate Mobile, the smartphone is reinvented as a modern, digital voice recorder. Your dictation system can now accompany you wherever you go as you record and edit spoken notes and dictations via your mobile. Dictations can be sent directly to a transcriber or transferred to central dictation servers via GSM, WLAN or e-mail. Through our sister product, ProPlayer, you can then playback your dictations using XenApp, Windows Terminal Server, or any PC.
ProDictate Mobile supports popular smartphone e-mail accounts, such as for Blackberry, Android, iPhone, etc., and the solution can be easily connected to corporate networks or existing digital dictation systems. The dictation software also supports Good Dynamics’ container technology and can therefore separate corporate data from users' personal information, regardless of the device used.
Breakdown of ProDictate Mobile’s features:
- Full recording device for your smartphone
- Recording, pasting, reverse, playback, overwriting
- Integration of pictures into dictation
- Take pictures or import them from the picture gallery
- Seamless integration of the company's database
- Latest HTML5 technology
- Easy licensing and remote configuration
- Send dictation via e-mail, HTTP, Dropbox, One Drive, Dropbox
- Integration into other dictation solutions
- Recording format: WAV, Speex
- Supports BlackBerry Dynamics SecureContainer and MobileIron
- Suitable for BlackBerry, iPhone, Android