
ProDictate Online’s new version brings with it server-based speech recognition software with multiple new and innovative features, making speech recognition even more effortless and accessible. Along with many new features, users are now able to adjust their speech commands for text processing. If a user needs to enter a command for a "new paragraph", for instance, the typical option would be to hit the “enter” key—but it needs to be remembered that this key reacts differently depending on individual word processors. The new features allow users to painlessly and individually assign different operations/commands in any word processor (i.e. Outlook, WordPad, etc.).

As individual companies make use of various applications, adjusting the software each time would otherwise be time-consuming and expensive. This hassle is eliminated via voice recognition at the cursor on thin clients using XenApp or WTS. Users transfer recognized text by simply placing the cursor at any point they choose in the word processor.

These ProDictate Online transactions are easily managed as their configuration settings are combined in an accessible, web-based management console. Groups and separate users can now make use of the web-based management console to easily and rapidly configure individualised vocabulary and language settings. These alternative configurations are achieved effortlessly on thin client workstations connected through the Internet. These new functions effectively relieve and aid IT departments when rolling out and maintaining their software.