
Devacon on the e-health in Paris

At E-Health in Paris, from 18th to 20th October, innovative technologies were introduced in medicine. We are holding numerous talks with representatives of the French healthcare sector who want to integrate speech recognition technologies into hospitals in order to ease the burden on the applications. There was also a presentation event for the BMWi and a cooperation platform for potential business partners.


Devacon at BlackBerry Security Summit in London

The issue of cybersecurity has recently become a 'buzzword' in many industries - but the security gaps in companies are often serious and cause high costs every year. This issue and better corporate protection is the topic of the BlackBerry Security Summit held in London on October 24 and 25, where more than 400 participants are discussing the era of digital transformation.


Devacon in Berlin at conhIT 2017

Devacon will be at conhIT 2017 presenting the new version of its dictation solution software ProDictate. New features include abilities to integrate external write forces without the need of further integration efforts and making available incoming dictations as direct text. Other improvements include a leap forward in the ability to recognize speech on the PC, in a Windows Terminal or in a Citrix XenApp environment. conhIT 2017 - Connecting Healthcare IT will held from 25 - 27 April, in Berlin.