
Devacon GmbH is participating as one of the exhibit ors of the DMS Expo taking place in Stuttgart from 24 th to 26 th September. The leading trade fair for business IT is the perfe ct venue for the software developers to display their mobile data ca pturing software eMODAT which allows users to manage workfl ows via smartphone and tablet PC. During those three days D evacon is supported by the IT consulting company milanconsult , a leading partner of MDM system provider MobileIron. At booth 5A67 visitors can appreciate the opportunity to learn mo re about the AppConnect technology by MobileIron which will soon be available to eMODAT users, too. The tool stores the applications installed on the mobile terminal devices in a secur e container to protect business data from unauthorized access. 'We are glad to have won the MobileIron expert milanconsult as a pa rtner for this trade show appearance to grant

guests at our booth a comprehensive insight into the features of AppConne ct and the advantages they bring for eMODAT users', elucidate Marcus Heinrich. On top of that, fair-goers are invited to drop in a t the expert forum 5.1 on 26 th September for a technical lecture where they learn more about the Devacon development which plays to i ts strengths across many sectors. From 2.45 an 3:15 pm Marcus Heinrich is talking about the manifold possible app lications and the efficient integration of mobile devices. Furthe rmore, the audience can grab the opportunity to work on tailor -made solutions for their individual requirements. Healthcare industry, hotel business or engineering: thanks to many universal modules eMODAT can be used in a wide range of different situations. Nursing staff, service eng ineers, and sales representatives employ eMODAT to capture data anywh ere and anytime – regardless of network connections. Forms are set up at the desktop computer and subsequently synchronized with the employees’ iPhones, BlackBerrys or Android devices